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A Path From Young Street To Woodend Children’s Centre

by | Mar 20, 2015

Significant  earthworks are taking place on the  Young St block at our southern boundary.  We know it is hectic in Bathbank  Crescent.  With that in mind we have been conferring with  Hickinbotham’s on improving access from Young St.  They have been terrific in response, and therefore we are  able to say that the plan is first to complete the retaining wall that will go all the way along our common boundary (our southern). Once that is done, a fence will be erected on top of the retaining wall, creating a pathway from Young St between the fence and our building. If everything goes to plan this will be in place by the end of April.  Of course in building and construction there are always contingencies that bring delays, however, this is the plan.  We will have to do some work to make that  path more level and safe.

By the way the height of the retaining wall might surprise you. Looking from the kindy car park, the black star dropper in the picture below has a white tape mark, indicating the top of the retaining wall at that point!

path 1