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Woodend Volunteer Awards 2017…Presented 9 Dec at Thank You Morning Tea… Who would you nominate?

by | Nov 30, 2016

We love to recognise all of our volunteers as often as possible. We use the Thank You Morning Tea (10:30 am 9 Dec) to formally do that. We have invited all volunteers to this morning tea.  We hope that we have included everyone… if we have inadvertently missed anyone,  please let us know and we will send them an invitation right away.

Of the parents whose youngest child is leaving the school this year,  who do you think has volunteered significantly enough over the years to be nominated for our 2017 Volunteer Award?  We have two nominations from staff  and Governing Council  and we would  love to hear from you with your ideas.

Please contact Brian or Jane-Ann with your nominations.

Each year we say goodbye to families who have long associations with the school and have their last child graduating.  We take the opportunity to reflect on the contribution many have made over the years, as volunteers, to support a whole range of school activities and initiatives.  Volunteers in classrooms, on committees, for special projects and programs are all people who give up their time  for the benefit of others.

At the Thank You  Morning Tea we will present the Woodend Volunteer Awards for 2017.

Pictured above are parents at a Governing Council meeting being shown how to create a mind map. The session was conducted by SRC Chairperson Tash.

Below: Kitchen Garden program regularly uses  around thirty volunteers a week.  We love their commitment and  support.


Below: Each year the Year 7 Memento  project relies heavily on parents to supervise  our Year 7 students.  Students this year are building a castle tower as part of their project… We thank those parents (Gerry, Mark, Anna, Michael, Kym so far…) who have  come out and helped  this become a reality.

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