The theme for this year’s CBCA Book Week is:
‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’
2021 Book Week Dress Up Day:
Tuesday the 24th of August (Week 6)
Come dressed in the Book Week theme or as your favourite book character.
Please wear sunsmart clothing and appropriate/safe shoes for PE and playing in the yard.
This year we will be creating a Virtual Parade at school that can be viewed from home. All students (and staff of course) will be able to be a part of our Virtual Parade.
Book Week Activities:
The Library Committee students will help to run Book Week activities in the Hall at lunch time on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Book Week.
The themes of the activities will be as follows:
Tuesday – Old Worlds
Wednseday – New Worlds
Thursday – Other Worlds
“You can find magic wherever you look.
Sit back and relax all you need is a book!”
– Dr. Seuss