A friendly reminder regarding school payments
Excursion / Incursion Levy $60
This fee was due 25/3/22 and is now overdue. If you are unable to make payment at this time please contact Angela.Burrows170@schools.sa.edu.au or phone 83226422 for a confidential discussion.
To avoid an overpayment, please contact the finance office if you are unsure if you have already paid this account.
Qkr does not tell you the amount you have outstanding, it will only show the cost of the original item.
Materials & Services Fee $345
This fee is due at the end of term 1 (15/4/22). To extend payment beyond this date please contact the finance office to set up a direct debit payment plan. If you are unable to make payment please contact Angela on the above details.
School Card
If you are eligible for the school card scheme https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/education-and-learning/financial-help-scholarships-and-grants/school-card-scheme please submit your application before the end of term 1.
If you have any queries regarding payments, please contact the finance office.