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Woodend Sports News!

by | Jan 26, 2024

We finished off 2023 Sport with our Woodend students and community not only showing their skills but also their sporting spirit and team work. Thank you to all our students for participating and giving your best effort to your team and showing our school values os respect, community and care. Behind the scenes in each photo below, is a group of dedicated parents/carers helping to make the sport happen.  We say a big thank you to all our parents, carers and grandparents who assisted with coordinating, coaching, managing, cheering, transporting and ensuring our students were enjoying their sport.

We would particularly like to thank our coordinators for 2023:

Lauren Hern – AFL Football

Janine Threadgold – Basketball

Kerry Middleton – Pedal Prix

Laura and Dylan Harlow – Netball

Bianca Freshney – Soccer

David Spence – Cricket

Mr Hehner – SAPSASA

At our Sports Thank You evening, we thanked Janine for all her years of overseeing school Basketball as Janine will be retiring from this role as all her children will be at high school in 2024.

We are excited to commence 2024 with many of these coordinators volunteering to continue their role.  We also welcome some new coordinators:

Lauren Hern and Ffion Bullock – AFL Football

Laura and Dylan Harlow – Basketball

Kerry Middleton – Pedal Prix

Kendall Marriott – Netball

Bianca Freshney – Soccer

TBC – Cricket

Mr Hehner – SAPSASA

We are in search of a coordinator for Cricket.  This will be for the first 6 weeks of this term and in Term 4.  Would you be interested?  Please see Kerri at the Front Office, or Mrs Luke or Mr Hehner if you are able to fill this role.

Would you and your child like to find out more about Woodend sports? Would your child like to trial a new sport?

All information about our school sport can be found on our school website under the ‘extracurricular’ tab. Currently, we offer seven different sports along with clinics and incursions linked to sport.

At this year’s Acquaintance Night, Tuesday 6th February, we will have a display of information about school school and you can find out more, ask questions, and be directed to registration forms, should your child be interested. This will be located near the BBQ area, outside the school hall. Come and see what we have to offer in sport!