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STEAM Week and Music Night highlights!

by | Oct 31, 2023

What an awesome start to the Term 1 commencing with our annual STEAM Week!

We trust that you and your family were engaged and inspired by the variety of experiences on offer.

  • Thank you to all those families who participated in the ‘Reimagining the Future’ family investigation! There were so many creative designs and investigations and many linked to making a difference to our environment or our world
  • We appreciate the work of staff in ensuring students were engaged in a ‘futuristic investigation’ prior to or during STEAM Week.  Throughout the week, students had to call upon their critical and creative thinking skills to design and create thought-provoking, interesting and/or imaginative pieces
  • Many thanks to staff and music providers for creating the online Music showcase.  So many students had to opportunity to show their musical growth and talent from this opportunity
  • Our SRC conducted workshops for some of our early years’ students providing them with the experience of collecting mini beasts in our garden areas and studying their features. Our SRC team showed commendable leadership skills
  • Thank you to our many visitors who volunteered to come and talk to our students about their occupation and/or interest. These scientists, mathematicians and parents/carers inspired our students with their new ideas, thinking, tasks and provocations. These visitors included:

– Dr Emma Parkinson-Lawrence – Emma is a Biomedical Research Scientist and Program Director at the University of South Australia and enjoys investigating how proteins that don’t work properly in our cells can cause disease. She works on a group of genetic diseases, called lysosomal storage disease

– Dr Charlotte Gupta and PhD student, Dayna – Ms Gupta researches sleep, in particular, related to shift workers and showed students on average per class the amount of hours of sleep per night they undertake. This included the most common bedtime pattern, how long it is taking the students to fall asleep and wake.

– Teacher Mrs Deb Lasscock – Deb challenged the students to focus on attributes and making connections between attributes

– Teacher Ms Laura Fazzalari – Laura set up ‘oil spill’ tasks where the students had to see if they could fix the oil spill so that environments could not be disturbed

– Numerous parents/carers who spoke to classes across the school. Our students were so fortunate to have so many parents share their interests, passions and/or occupations linked to STEAM

  •  Thank you to those families who could attend the Expo. The Member for Black, David Speirs MP, could also join us. The school was abuzz with visitors!

We appreciated the many compliments received for STEAM Week.