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Scientists and Mathematicians return to Woodend for STEAM Week!

by | Oct 21, 2022

Woodend has been very fortunate to have Scientists keen to come to our school and share their expertise, research and engage us with an activity.  This week classes have worked with a scientist who studies bacteria,  one who studies sleep, a scientist who loves learning about bugs and one that focussed on changes with colour.  We were also privileged to have a Mathematician, Deb, who loves allowing students to solve mathematical problems. We would like to thank these adults for sharing their time, expertise and inspiration with our students during STEAM Week:

Laura Fazzalari – scientific processes linked to colour – worked with Year 1 students

Deb Lasscock – teacher and mathematician – worked with Year 5 and Year 2 students

Katharina Richter – studying bacteria – worked with Year 3 students

Erinn Fagan-Jeffries – studying bugs and identifying species – worked with Year  4 students

Charlotte Gupta – researching sleep – worked with Year 5/6 students

We were also grateful to those parents/carers in our community who were able to talk to a class about their occupation or interest linked to STEAM.  Talks ranged from those parents involved in engineering to musicians who have a love of music, media and the arts.