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Rainbow Creek: Working Together to Paint a Path to Biodiversity

by | Mar 17, 2024

Last year, our Environmental Leaders and SRC took on a project to enhance the biodiversity of an unused area of the oval and create a visually appealing and engaging space for our community to enjoy.

You might recall their callout for painting rocks in term 4? This was part of an initiative to involve all students in caring for the space by creating a ‘rainbow creek bed’, where each rock would be painted by a student. This creek also serves to manage excess water flow through this area during Winter due to runoff from the basketball court.

In the final weeks of 2023, Vicki Gregory collaborated with students to paint and seal rocks inspired by nature or themes that held personal significance for students or our Woodend community.

On Saturday, our groundskeeper Ken, garden specialist Dylan, and a group of parent volunteers gathered to install this project. A big thank you to Ken, Dylan, Matt, Luke, Lee, Michael, Kathryn, and Donnie for generously volunteering their time and expertise to bring this idea to life!

We are blown away by the finished product and look forward to seeing this area evolve as the native plants settle in throughout the growing season.