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Welcoming our tiny visitors

Our Reception children are loving time with their fluffy chicken friends in their classroom.  Once again all Reception classrooms have welcomed the tiny chicks from the Henny Penny Hatching program.  In fact our school is the first school since COVID-19 restrictions...

Welcome to our new Reception children!

Welcome to our new Reception children and their families!  We enjoyed meeting many parents/carers at our ‘Cheers or Tears’ gathering last Tuesday morning.  Week One has now finished and we are seeing the new children settle into school life remarkably...

Touch Rugby Tournament

Since Week 7 of Term 3 our senior students have enjoyed taking part in a Touch Rugby Tournament every Friday afternoon. There were 9 teams for both the boys and girls. Thanks to Mr Natar for managing the tournament and to the Committee who helped to organise and setup...

Co-Designing Learning in Room 17

In Room 17, students have a great deal of power over their learning.  They need this power, and investigations into how students learn best have indicated that they actually crave it. This makes sense, after all the students are the greatest stakeholders in their...

“Eggsperiments” in Room 18!

All the Reception classes welcomed and cared for eggs and baby chickens in Weeks 1 and 2 of this term. The Reception children in Room 18 had some fun and did a Science ‘Eggsperiment.’ They collected the following items in order to conduct the experiment: 3 eggs...
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