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Call for play items!

Are you about to have a clean-out of your toy cupboards? If so, we would be grateful for any of the following items to enrich our play program at Woodend: Tonka Trucks or similar hard wearing toy vehicles Lego – any! Car Play Mats Sand Play equipment egs....

Chickens come to visit!

Have you seen our feathery visitors? All of our Reception classes have focussed on the biological sciences this term and the children have had the experience of observing and recording the changes that occur from the embryo to the hen. Many children have been...

STEAM Expo highlights

Last night and today, we held our annual STEAM Week Expo.  For the first time since COVID restrictions, we have been able to enjoy this event again as a whole community.  It was so pleasing to see our community together again and enjoy engaging in sharing learning...
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