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Before & After School – Access to Hallways & Classrooms

by | Mar 1, 2024

It is great to see many students and families choosing to access the school via the Young Street gate in the morning. This helps to alleviate some of the congestion on other roads and paths.

To help in establishing the best drop off and pick up routines for families, we wish to clarify some information about entering the school yard and buildings before and after school.

Before School:

  • The school grounds are open and supervised from 8:30am. During this time hallways can be accessed to pass through the school, where required. This includes accessing other parts of the school via the Young Street entrance.
  • Students must quickly leave their bags outside classrooms and play outside if arriving before 8.40am. Please do not enter classrooms during this time, unless pre-arranged with the classroom teacher. This allows for morning preparation.
  • From 8.40am teachers will open their classrooms. Once the doors are opened, students may enter and begin organising themselves for the day. These routines will look a little bit different in every class and may include children being asked to play outside if their teacher has a morning yard duty or meeting.
  • At 9.00am the Young Street gate is locked and entry/exit is via the OSHC or Basketball Court gates.

After School:

  • At 3pm the Young Street gate is unlocked. We ask that any families accessing the school via these gates at the end of the day remain outside the buildings and hallways until the bell rings at 3.05pm to ensure a safe learning environment and avoid any disruptions to learning. After this time, parents may access other parts of the school via this entrance.
  • The crossing and Kiss & Go areas are supervised until 3.20pm. At this time the gates on Young Street & the Basketball Court are locked. Entry/exit after this time is via the OSHC gate adjacent to the Library & Hall building.