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School Sports Policy
At Woodend Primary School we provide the opportunity for and encourage all students to participate in sporting activities regardless of ability. We recognise the significance and importance of the Junior Sport Policy and we intend to conduct and organise our sporting program in accordance with this policy.
We will ensure that the students playing sport under the name of Woodend Primary School receive appropriate coaching, care and supervision.

Aims / Objectives

• Provide the best possible sporting experiences for all Woodend students so as to encourage lifelong participation in sport
• Provide supportive environments for enjoyable participation in a wide variety of physical activities, through the development of skills and good sporting behaviour
• Provide the safest possible environment for the conduct of junior sport
• Provide for the allocation of appropriate resources and facilities
• Provide equal opportunities for all students to participate in sport
• Make provisions for all students with special needs to participate in sport
• Encourage and actively cater for talented sporting students
• Positively promote parental involvement in all areas of the sporting activities
• Promote the playing of sport for enjoyment with participation the main focus

Sport is seen as a voluntary extension of the School’s Physical Education program, rather than an end to itself. The School Sport Policy considers participation in physical activity generally more important than the necessity of winning or in training devotees to a particular sport.

The learning of various game skills and the social/emotional development involved in team cooperation are considered worthwhile educational experiences.

Students will be encouraged to participate in a variety of sports, however they may not change from one sport to another during a playing season. Once nominated, students are expected to play in that team for the season. 

Sports Committee Structure

Composition of the Sports Committee will be as follows:
• Sports Committee Chairperson (member of the School Leadership team)
• Governing Council representative (1 member)
• Sport Coordinators (variable numbers each sport to be represented)
• Focus Physical Education teacher
• SSO responsible for liaison with Sport Coordinators

The majority of Sports Committee members should be parents. A Deputy Chairperson should be nominated. There should be one Club Coordinator for each affiliated sporting code and each should have a nominated proxy to attend meetings in their absence. Apologies should be notified to the school prior to the meeting.


Meetings of the Sports Committee should be held at least once a term and minutes kept of proceedings.
The Chairperson shall be responsible for production and distribution of an agenda and the minutes.
At least four representatives of which two should be parents, must be in attendance to represent an official quorum.
Sport Coordinators are to provide a brief report, verbal or written for each meeting.


• The school will provide venues on which sports will be played and the maintenance thereof.
• All clubs will operate their finances through the School’s consolidated account.
• All sport fee payments can be made via QKR, BPoint, cash or cheque. (Cheques payable to ‘Woodend Primary School’)
• Those sports that involve fees have a timeline for payment:

– Cricket, Basketball – payment of fees by Week 6, Term 1.
– Netball, Soccer, Football – payment of fees by Week 4, Term 1.
– Volleyball – payment of fees, 1st season Week 11, Term 1 – 2nd season Week 10, Term 3

Failure to pay fees within the timeline by the parent/carer will result in the child/ren not receiving their trophy or medal at the end of the season. The school, not your
Co-ordinator/coach will manage this process.

• Should the student’s uniform be damaged or lost, the parent/carer is to pay for any repairs or replacement.

The Sports Committee shall have the following responsibilities

• Monitor and discuss developments in school sports.
• Regularly review the School Sports Policy and recommend amendments to Governing Council.
• Approve registration fees and budget plans for each sport.
• Approve expenditure (up to authorised level).
• Organise sport coordinators and ratify coach appointments.
• Organise clinics for coaches, managers and players.
• Make people aware of codes of conduct. This occurs at the beginning of each sport and available for each sports registration form.
• Prepare a report for the school community to be presented at the A.G.M.

Sports Coordinators

The School Committee should, when needed, call for volunteers / nominations for the position of Sport Coordinators and appoint from the nominations received. Should there be no nominations or volunteers the Sports Committee would have to take appropriate action which might include simply advising parents that a particular sport would no longer be available.

The Sports Coordinators will have the following responsibilities apart from representing the sport on the Sports Committee.
• Abide by the Code of Conduct for Coordinators / Coaches / Team Managers
• Represent their sport at external meetings
• Be the official contact for enquiries
• Organise player registrations, team structure, maintain records and set fees.
• Organise special functions (eg presentation night)
• Oversee the purchase and maintenance of sporting equipment to value of $200 purchases over this amount need to come to the Sports Committee
• To maintain an inventory of equipment
• Find coaches (Sports Committee to help if needed).
• Organise helpers (eg for setting up equipment, run canteens etc)
• Organise programs for home matches
• Notify match results to appropriate bodies
• Lodge team registrations
• Determine training times
• Organise an annual Sports budget
• Complete a Sports Information sheet for their sport
• Table team names, coaches and training times to the Front Office liaison person.
• Once or twice during the season, email information and action shots through to the school for publishing on the school’s Newsblog

Team Coaches / Managers

The Sport Coordinator needs to call for nominations and appoint team coaches / managers who will have the following responsibilities

• Abide by the Code of Conduct for Coordinators / Coaches / Team Managers
• Issue and retrieve uniforms (keep a record of names of students issued a uniform).
• Maintain and keep equipment in a safe condition.
• Select teams and captains.
• Issue team sheets / match cards etc.
• Organise time keepers / linespersons etc.
• Notify Sport Coordinators of results and any issues that might arise during a match or training.
• In collaboration with the coordinator, once or twice a season, email information and action shots through to the school for publishing on the school’s Newsblog

Each sport will table the names of team members and officials to the school prior to the beginning of each season.

Coaches to be encouraged to take General Principles and Level 1 coaching accreditation courses, cost to be met by the Sporting team or Sports Committee budget for General Principles other courses to be considered by the Sports Committee.

Age Groups and Appropriate activities

Change of age for School Sports as of 23/08/2022

Governing Council has amended the starting age for out-of-hours school sport to include 7 year olds in Year 2.

5 –7 years or Years 2-3 / Spontaneous play and movement
Coordination skills
Trying more complex tasks
Informal games
Minor games

8 – 10 years or Years 2-5 / Coordination skills
Small group activities
General skill development
Modified sports
Competitive sport inter / intra school / club

11 –13 years or Years 6 / Sports specific skill development
Modified sport
Talent squads
Sports development programs
SAPSASA involvement
Competitive sport inter / intra school / club, district / regional, inter / intra state

Equal opportunity

• Woodend Primary School will ensure that all students have equal access to resources, facilities and opportunities.
• Students will be encouraged to play a variety of sports, with the emphasis on raising skill levels for all players, regardless of ability, to all have equal time in the competition and rotated to learn a variety of positions.
• Sports will be modified so that they are relevant to the age and development of the student.
• No student will be disadvantaged due to the parent’s financial situation.
• Where the school enters two teams in the same division / age / year level competition every effort should be made to ensure that the teams are of equal ability. In some cases, this may involve re-organisation after a season has commenced.
• Woodend students to play in their age / year level unless there is a shortage of numbers and approval needs to be sort from the Sports Committee.
• Woodend students to play in a Woodend Primary School team as a first option.
• Students from other schools can be considered for a team if numbers cannot be made up of Woodend students. Approval is needed from the Sports Committee.


• Teams which begin practicing before the official season of another sporting team ends, must give priority to the “in season sport”.
• The coach will notify parents of training schedules.
• One training session per week being no more than one hour duration (middle primary) and one and quarter hours (upper primary).
• Coaches need to be notified as soon as possible if a student is unable to attend practice or matches.
• Coaches or team managers are responsible for students until normal finishing time of training and must notify parents and the Front Office in advance of any cancellations.
• If there is a forecasted temperature of 36 degrees and above all training / practices will be cancelled.
• Students to wear hats when the UV factor is 3 and over, in line with the School’s SunSmart Policy
• If a parent/carer is not able to attend matches/practice, the parent/carer must ensure that they have arranged for their child’s health and safety before, during and at the conclusion of the match/practice as this is the parent/carer’s responsibility. This should not be the coach’s responsibility who may have other commitments following training or matches.
• If a child is NOT collected at the conclusion of a game/practice in a timely manner on more than one occasion the Coach may bring the matter before the Principal for review.



Sporting matches and practices will be cancelled on “Hot Weather Policy” days. Exceptions to this rule are possible, eg an air-conditioned stadium or for sports that start and finish early in the day. Having made a risk assessment, the Principal may approve a match or practice. Coaches/ coordinators are responsible for communicating this decision to players and parents.


The ‘Hot Weather Policy’ will be applied on a day when:

– A forecast maximum for Noarlunga of 36C or greater is reported on the Bureau Of Meteorology website at 4:00pm the day before.
– Heatwave: a prolonged period of excessive heat

Trainings or games that occur within school hours adhere to the school’s “hot weather policy”.

Head Injury During Sports – “If in doubt, sit them out”

The brain can be damaged or affected by any blow to the head or other area of the body which affects the head. Head injuries are not always obvious. Any significant force to the head may cause concussion, which results in a temporary impairment of brain function. Any player who has a head knock must be removed from a playing field and monitored. The student must not be able to finish or complete the exercise/game. They must be sidelined, parents contacted and monitored.

Anyone suspected of having concussion should be observed closely and examined by a doctor because of the possibility of an associated, more serious injury.
A doctor / medical practitioner certificate is required prior to training / game day if a player has been identified with a concussion.

The signs and symptoms of concussion may include:
• Brief or more extended periods of unconsciousness
• A report of seeing stars or double vision
• Confusion or temporary loss of short term memory, e.g. of events just prior to the injury
• Headache
• Nausea and vomiting
• Numbness, tingling or weakness in the arms and legs
• Stumbling or lack of eye-hand co-ordination
** Extracted from The Australian Red Cross **


• Students that are turning 10 years old during year 4 have the opportunity to try out for some SAPSASA sports including Cross Country, District Athletics and Swimming.
• If a student does not turn 10 during year 4 they must wait until they are in year 5 where they will be able to trial for these events.
• Once students reach the year 5/6 age group they are able to trial for several knockout and round robin events including: Netball, Basketball, Football, Cricket, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Touch Rugby, Cross Country, District Athletics, and Swimming. These events might change each year depending on student interest, budget etc.
• A year 6 student will be given priority over a year 5 student in selection for a sporting event if these students are of the same ability.
• If a student loses or damages a supplied SAPSASA shirt, it is expected that the replacement shirt will be paid for by the student’s parents.
• Vehicles may only be used to transport student passengers if it is:
– equipped with a seat belt per passenger, it is registered
– in a safe mechanical condition
– covered by comprehensive insurance and if the driver has a current classification C (car) license.

Uniforms and Equipment

• Woodend’s colours are navy blue and gold.
• Uniforms are only to be worn for matches.
• Replacement of uniforms will be budgeted for in the annual club budget or parents to supply.
• Parents may be required to pay for lost or damaged uniforms.
• Consult school’s Physical Education focus teacher when purchasing equipment or uniforms.
• Obtain purchase orders when buying any new uniforms or equipment.
• Each team should maintain records of their equipment and have it named and stored appropriately.
• Ensure that all uniforms and equipment is safe to be used and the appropriate size and weight for the students involved.
• Should the student’s uniform be damaged or lost, the parent/carer is to pay for any repairs or replacement (see ‘Responsibilities’ section).

Awards / Recognition

• It is recommended that premiership points not be kept and final rounds not be included in competition with modified sports.
• In the interest of participation all team members need to be recognised during a season in any Newsblog articles and not just best players.
• Acknowledgement of students selected in SAPSASA and State teams to be made in the School Newsblog.
• We will purchase the team tracksuit for any student who is selected to represent South Australia in their chosen sport.
• The awarding of trophies / certificates is the responsibility of each sport.
• Emphasis to be on participation for all, all team members to receive a trophy or certificate at an end of season presentation.
• Performance and encouragement awards can be awarded to all year 6/7 sports. Each sports award must be submitted to the Sports Committee for ratification prior to the awards being given.
• Trophies or Medals – The coordinator of each sport is to use their discretion as to what they purchase – medals or trophies or a combination, based on their budget.
• Coordinators will need to make contact with the school finance office prior to ordering trophies as each sport has a budget.
• Money is not to go towards coaches gifts as their children’s fees are waivered.


• Volunteers helping with sport at Woodend can assist when their child is in the team / group without requiring a WWCC clearance. Those who choose to volunteer and are NOT a parent / guardian of their child’s sport, a WWCC clearance IS required. As of 2018, all sport volunteers are required to complete the Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC Training online). You will find the link on the News Blog by typing RRHAN-EC RAN in the search icon. A ONE-OFF SITUATION: A guardian or relative (eg. grandparent, aunty/uncle/cousin) without a WWCC clearance can assist with the sport that involves their child in a ONE-OFF situation. This means if they are asked by a coordinator/ coach or team manager to help on the day the volunteer must inform them that this is a one-and-only time until they have a WWCC clearance.
• Teach students the appropriate safety skills and procedures for the sport played and teach skills appropriate to the age and maturity of the students.
• Regulate the duration and intensity of training to suit the needs of the group and prevailing weather conditions.
• Students should not be involved in the repetition of one activity for long periods of time where this may cause injury through over use of specific body parts.
• Provision must be made for students to drink sufficient fluids to replace any lost during physical activity.
• Students to wear appropriate clothing for physical activity with sensible track style shoes. Long hair must be tied up.
• Grounds to be maintained in a safe condition.
• Coaches / team managers have the responsibility to cancel matches where surfaces and / or equipment are unsafe or unsuitable for play.
• Protectors and helmets will be provided for cricket and teeball type games but shin pads and mouth guards are to be provided by parent/carers.

First Aid / Medical Information

• Coaches to be provided with current medical information by parents. All students playing a sport will have to submit a medical sheet before they can play.
• Students with a medical condition must be accompanied by a parent/carer at trainings and games that are out-of-school hours.
• Students with asthma and/or allergies should have appropriate medication with them for each game and training.
• A first aid kit will be provided and housed in the Sports shed for use at training and matches. Small kits to be provided to take to away venues.
• Each individual sport should ensure, as far as possible, that there is a person with first aid knowledge in attendance at each match.
• In accordance with Education Department Regulation 128(2) services of a legally qualified medical practitioner and / or ambulance must be obtained, if necessary.
• Any injury must be reported on an ED155 form.
• Bleeding players must be removed from the field of play immediately and not returned to play until the flow has ceased and no blood is on them or their uniform.
• It is the responsibility of parents to ensure their child is covered for injury. The school accepts no responsibility for injury received to students in school sport.

Social Media

Department for Education – Guideline Social Media – Issued 1st May 2018
These guidelines provide practical advice about how to use and manage social media in an education and child development setting. The guide is suitable for schools, preschools and Department for Education staff in Central Office or local education teams.


Moderation is the act of reviewing and approving content from others.
The administrator should check the site at intervals during the course of the day. This may include the occasional monitoring of social media channels outside of working hours where necessary. In the majority of cases the comments and questions can wait until the next working day but there should be a process in place so that timely action can be taken when offensive or abusive comments are posted, or when the comments reflect immediate danger or self-harm.

If staff notice inappropriate or unlawful online content relating to the department or content published in breach of this policy, this should be reported to the Communication directorate via or 8207 2197, or to the Media Unit via or 8226 7990, during office hours. If an issue occurs after normal business hours and you believe the situation requires urgent attention, please contact the Media Unit Hotline on 8226 7990 or South Australia Police on 131 444 and follow their advice.

( Department for Education – Guideline Social Media)

Plan for Woodend Primary School 2021

This means that from the start of any new sport season or New Year for a class or committee group:

Each sport will have a Facebook page for communication. The school will establish all closed Facebook pages and these will be managed by administrators within the school. This is the only page you are able to use. This is a two-way communication tool.

Coordinators and coaches will be invited to join the group as administrators following a compulsory induction. This induction will ensure that all group administrators are aware of current expectations and responsibilities relating to the Department for Education social media guidelines.

Coordinators and coaches can communicate information and families can respond via this page. Only a student’s first name is given. The content must be positive and informative. The posts go to Administrators for approval before they are posted.

Team App
This app is the notification centre for factual information – weather information, times and dates and last minute changes.

Members of leadership or staff post sporting information to the school community particularly relating to successes or celebratory events. Coordinators or coaches can choose to email through information about their sport and/or teams such as progress of teams and action shots. These will be checked and posted by staff. As noted in the Awards/Recognition section, in the interest of participation all team members need to be recognised during a season in any Newsblog articles and not just best players. Only a student’s first name is given and the school will inform you of any students who cannot be photographed. These will be published on the Newsblog within that fortnight.

Within the new guidelines there is an expectation that all general digital communications will happen through these moderated groups and not through unmoderated channels such as: Snapchat, Messenger, Instagram chat, What’s App.

What Can You Post?

The school and coordinators managing posts are always mindful of ethical, legal and duty-of-care obligations.

Sites use a number of different ways to communicate with parents and the community such as newsletters and meetings. Social networks do not need to replace other communication channels traditionally used by your site. It should be viewed it as an additional channel where people can interact with you and the content you post.

Some ideas for what you might post include:

– Events – share event information, post links to event information, share event posters, video promotions and photos/videos of event highlights or speakers/presentations. When posting photos, they are to be group photos, not individuals. Families have completed consent forms regarding permission to use student images and work in a public forum. The school will provide coordinators with the names of students who are not able to photographed. Please see Front Office staff if you have not been notified.

– Information for parents – send reminders to parents about events and activities; remind them about due dates, share things that would normally appear in the school newsletter as individual posts, link to a resource, provide a short blog or post, ask for feedback, call for volunteers, share information from other sources that may be of interest to parents. You can also use your social media posts or feedback to add news items and general interest stories to your school newsletters.
(4.3.2 Department for Education – Guideline Social Media)

Woodend has developed Description pages for each Sport Facebook page which outlines the purpose and appropriate use of the page.

This is the generic Description:


The official Facebook group for Woodend Primary School’s __________ . This page is a means of communication and information sharing for team co-ordinators, coaches and parents/caregivers for Woodend Primary School’s _________ teams. The aim is that this will help to keep people informed and involved in all school matters pertaining to __________. We use this page to post __________ information – reminders, timetables, rosters and updates. Alerts for weather and last minute fixture alterations and game information will come via TEAM APP.

Please contact/message the coach if your child is going to be absent for a training or game rather than post on this page.

Please note this is not the forum to ask personal questions or make comments specific to your child, team members or other adults. Preferably make a time to talk to your __________ coordinator, coach or a member of staff on the Sports Committee if you have any concerns.

This group is to remain a positive environment to help support the teams and facilitate information sharing. We look forward to seeing your likes, factual information, and reading your positive comments. Any negative comments or inappropriate posts will be removed.

Thank you.


Developed 30/05/2018
Latest update 23/08/2022