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Working Bees on 30 and 31 May… Please help us plant 440 trees, shrubs and grasses

by | May 18, 2016

All classes will  participate in a major planting  around our oval on 30 and 31 May.

The grounds committee is working hard to prepare for our major planting of  indigenous trees, shrubs and grasses for our Nature Play and Biodiversity Project.

We have purchased nearly 440 plants  (tube stock) which we are hoping classes will plant sometime during on Monday  and Tuesday, 30 and 31 May. During these days we are hoping that each pair of buddy classes will plant about 36 plants.  Each  plant will also have three small stakes and a green plastic protector.

A big thank you to Brett Simes for organising the plants  and Haidi Sutherland for helping with the selection and location.  Haidi will coordinate the distribution of plants and planting areas with support from Ailee Cheney and Kristy Barnes.  We think the 36 plants per group would take less than an hour for each group to plant; particularly if there were  a good number of volunteers.

Haidi has marked the spots where  trees and larger plants will go. map of plantings

Ken, our groundsman, is preparing the areas  by:

  • poisoning and trenching along the chain mesh fenceline: 40 sweet apple berry and 40 hardenbergias will be planted along this 70 metre length.
  • poisoning a good part  of areas 1,2&3
  • poisoning the spots where trees and larger shrubs  will be planted in areas A, 4, 6 and 9

We hope we can get a large group of volunteers to help this all happen effectively. Class teachers will promote their buddy planting session times through their digital communications.