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What if we have to close the school?

by | Aug 10, 2020

If we do get to a point where we need to close the school because there is a positive case identified within the school community, then we will be advised by SA Health and The Department on how we would manage that.

Regardless of the process, it will depend to a degree on when we are informed as to how the process unfolds. I have attached a diagram showing what we would do in the case of a positive testing. However, this must be viewed in light of the fact that there are many variables which may impact and change the process. It will however, give an idea of what we might anticipate would happen.

Please ensure that you have Team App installed as that will be the first point of communication to all families.

In any situation that may arise, please be assured thatcontact would be made with parents of any students who do arrive at school on a closure day. OSHC would not operate and there would be no school staff on school grounds unless approved by SA Health.

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