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Welcoming families to Woodend!

by | Nov 21, 2016

It is soon time for Woodend’s Orientation visits for new Reception children.  We welcome and look forward to meeting children and families visiting our school.  The children and parents/carers will have an opportunity to meet the leadership team, spend time in their classroom and with their 2017 teacher/s.  This will take place on Thursday 1 December and Thursday 8 December 2016.

For some children starting school it can be exciting and fun, for some it is approached with caution, and for others it is an anxious time.  Our team of Reception teachers, School Service Officers and leaders are well aware of the varying emotions that come with changing learning environments and we also know that transition to school takes time.  We  look forward to and work hard at building warm and positive  relationships with each child and family.  Our ‘Building Connections Conversations in Term 1 Week 1 provides us with that opportunity to find out more about your child from you that assists us to better accommodate for your child’s needs.

Transitioning to school requires a partnership – the partnership of the teacher/s, the child and the parents/carers.  In every way possible we work to effect a smooth transition for your child. Together we want your child to feel comfortable, valued and develop a sense of belonging and identity within their friendship group, classroom and school.  There are many ways we, together, can support your child to transition smoothly.  One resource, Kids Matter ‘Thinking about Transition to School’ information sheet written by Jane Godwin provides valuable tips.  We hope you find this information sheet useful.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school, post a question, or speak to a member of staff at the Orientation visits.


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