A very warm welcome to all of our students and families who are returning to Woodend School and a special welcome to our 93 new receptions and other students starting at Woodend School for the first time. Teachers have each been preparing for the first day of school with students and a great deal of planning has taken place, both individually and in teams.
Reception children are here for the mornings and in the afternoon class teachers are meeting with their parents during the first week of school. Â Our school operates as a community, with the expectation that each child has both school and home operating in tandem to provide a learning environment that caters for each child.
All classes will be involved in the Play is The Way strategy that gives a physical approach to learning social skills. If you wish to find out how this operates for your child, please have a chat with your child’s class teacher.
Shortly we will be asking students to take home the Digital Use Agreement for signing and returning to school.  This is a requirement prior to the use of  the internet at school. Previous agreements are soon to expire.
Our school will, as from this week, open classrooms 15 minutes prior to the first bell rather than 25 minutes which was previous practice. Â This is now at 8:40am which allows teachers to complete their final preparation for the school day. Students may drop their bags from 8:30 am outside of the classroom door if they wish. (on occasions some teachers may make alternate arrangements with families and open earlier than 8:40am)
I remind everyone that there are no teachers on duty until 8:30 am in the school yard and so we require students to only arrive on or after 8:30am. Â As is the practice at schools, students arriving earlier than 8:30am and not having a school commitment, will be sent to OSHC and parents will be invoiced.
You will have received information on Tuesday about the coming Acquaintance Evening (next week). Â This will be held on Tuesday 4th February in the second week of school. The program is being sent home in hard copy, via facebook and our NewsBlog. Â Please note that our Specialist Teachers will be available in their respective rooms from 6:00 to 6:30pm, immediately prior to class sessions which begin at 6:30pm.
This year holds many great activities and events for children to look forward to. Teachers have been beginning the preparation for excursions and/or incursions, the Japanese students from Myojo Gaitjen Elementary school will be visiting later this term (at school from 23rd March), the Sports Day will be held while they are here (27th March), Harmony Day happens on 21st March, the school Annual General Meeting is on 1st April and SAPSASA will start in earnest in just a few weeks.
A general message has been posted relating to the Coronavirus. Â This is being monitored by health authorities and any updates will be shared with the school community.
Please ensure that you are able to access the school communication via facebook and the NewsBlog. Â We rely on parents getting information in a timely manner as it supports activities that involve students and families. Â Any questions about this, please contact Kerri at the from office in the first instance.
Kind regards,
Steve Freeman