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Welcome to Term 2

by | May 2, 2017

We hope you have enjoyed some time with your children during the holidays and are looking forward to another productive term.  Staff are looking forward to working with students consolidating and building on the learning so far.  Please see the school calendar for term events, including:NAPLAN,  NEP reviews, excursions, performances, Mark LeMessurier session 2 and student free days.

NAPLAN in Week 2

NAPLAN tests will take place in all schools across Australia next week. The NAPLAN is a nationally developed program that provides schools and states with information about how education programs are working and what areas need to be prioritised for improvement.

Students have opportunities to become familiar with NAPLAN tests at school before doing the tests. A parent information brochure is available here.  Please see your class teacher if you have any questions or concerns.

Some Key Dates for Term 2

Check the Calendar

  • NAPLAN test dates for 2017 are 9 -11 May 2016
  • Mark Le Messurier session 2: Wednesday 17 May
  • NEP Review Meetings during week 4 (22-24 May) and Week 5 (29 – 31 May)