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We Take a Stand Against Bullying – BULLY ZERO

by | Apr 30, 2021

“Bully Zero” Bully Prevention Workshops

During the week, all students were involved in a “Bully Zero” workshop with their class. These workshops were targeted specifically to each year level and were both interactive and highly informative. The facilitators explained through videos, slides and text, some key points about what bullying is, what it isn’t and what can be done to stop bullying if it occurs.

Some key points from the class workshops

  • Bullying is ……when an individual or group uses it power and strength to repeatedly, deliberately and intentionally use words or actions against another or a group that hurts, threatens, excludes, harasses, humiliates verbally, physically, psychologically or electronically making the victim feel oppressed, traumatized and powerless.
  • Bullying is not……disliking someone, arguing, being bossy, telling a joke about someone once, a one-off incident, not playing with someone or choosing others to play with.
  • How to stop bullying… an upstander and do something if you see bullying, get an adult to help, tell the person it’s not okay, don’t argue back, stay calm and try the “fogging method”.

On Wednesday evening we hosted a fantastically informative Parent Workshop which mainly focussed on cyberbullying. It was powerful, confronting and incredibly interesting to learn about cyber bullying, safety and how parents can help monitor their child’s screen time and be aware of what their child is looking at and who they are interacting with.

Some key points from the parent session

  • Research the apps and games your child uses
  • Role model positive device behaviour
  • Remove technology from your child’s bedroom at night
  • Talk about being safe online
  • Monitor who your child is communicating with online
  • Set time limits and firm boundaries when online
  • Develop home agreements or contracts for using devices
  • Ensure your child is not sharing personal information, photos, screenshots and messages with others

If you would like any copies of the home online contracts or any more information on the bully workshops, or bullying in general, please contact us.

If you missed the parent information evening, we highly recommend registering for the eSafety Commissioners guide to parental controls webinar.