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Traffic safety

by | May 22, 2019

Thank you to families who have recently reported concerns about safety at our crossings in recent weeks. There have been several incidents where cars have driven through the crossings when the stop signs are up, due to inattention.  This is a concern and teachers on duty are very watchful as children are about to cross. We do understand that people not connected to the school also use the roads and where we see violations of safety, reports have been made to the police and local council.

In order to ensure the ongoing safety of our children and families, we ask that all drivers take care and pay close attention while driving.

We have also been aware of occasions where children and adults have crossed the road away from the crossing.  Legally it is stated that “a pedestrian must not cross a road within 20 metres of a crossing on the road, except at the crossing or another crossing.”

Modelling safe behaviour when crossing the road is essential in developing safe practices by children.  Hence we ask that to ensure safety for children, that all children (and adults), cross at the designated crossings on Young Street and/or Edward Beck Drive.

As a school, we have reviewed our traffic monitor practices and the following is the correct procedure that our monitors will be adhering to.

Monitors look for a break in the traffic, they blow the whistle and put the signs out, then check that all cars are stopping and give clear direction for pedestrians to ‘cross’.  Pedestrians must wait and not cross until the whistle monitor has checked it is safe to do so and said ‘cross’.

There will be a reminder of this procedure at assembly today.