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The End Of Term 2

by | Jul 6, 2018

Dear parents/caregivers,

We have just finished a very busy and productive school term. Thankyou to all who have been a part of classroom reading, volunteering in the canteen, helping out at the working bee, conducting the school banking, working on our wide range of committees, helping in the Kitchen with classes, assisting with the Way2Go strategy, SAPSASA, sports coaching and management, Market Days and any other way that you have been a part of our comprehensive education program.

The word that often is used to describe developing a Growth Mindset is ‘GRIT”.  We endeavour over time to build the strategies that children can use when they find things becoming hard. The success or otherwise at high school and beyond, depends to a large extent a range of personal capabilities including perseverance, resilience, problem solving and ‘grit’.

There may be times when your child(ren) come home and relate experiences in the classroom such as being required to complete unfinished work in their own time, experience a teacher saying that they need to be responsible for their own decisions during an assignment, not being given extensions and wearing the consequence of not meeting deadlines etc.  While teachers do support and scaffold learning on an ongoing basis, they also need to bring children along a journey towards those capabilities described before.

This is all part of building ‘grit’.

In other news, we have been advised that our actual building program for our new building should happen in 2020.  This forms part of the ongoing work that is being carried out at present, including the painting of a significant part of the school exterior, as well as replacing the air-conditioning for 9 classrooms and the administration area.

Term 3 brings many new activities such as the year 4/5 camp to Illawonga, a visit by Maiko, a Japanese teacher, the MYOJO overseas trip, visit by author Jill Eggleton, another Hiragana competition, our Choir performance at the Festival Theatre, Father’s Day, Music Night, District Athletics Day and the year 3 camp to El Shaddai at Wellington, to name just a few.

Have a safe two weeks and I look forward to seeing you all in term 3.


Steve Freeman
