Here’s a message from our Sports Day Captains:
This year we have chosen to have a superheroes theme for our annual sports day. The reason we have picked this theme is because we know that students are very interested in superheroes and may spend at lot of time focused on them. Even though superheroes are usually involved in violent actions, we believe that the positive qualities of superheroes is something our students should strive towards. In our opinion superheroes are people who stand up for and help each other and, aim to always make the right choice at the right time.
Our team names this year are based around 4 qualities that we think are important for our students to possess in their lives.
Speed, Determination, Strength and Courage.
Here are the chants for our Sports Day teams. We hope students can learn them before our first practice which is coming up soon.
GREEN – Strength Squad
We are the strength squad here to stay
We’ll make sure we win today
You’ll hear us roar, you’ll see us smile
make sure we go that extra mile
If you doubt us, you will see
how good our strength squad can really be.
YELLOW – Determined Division
Determined Division is who we are, we will always, raise the bar
We stand up for what is right, we won’t go down without a fight
We are smart we are strong, we will never get it wrong
Watch us throw watch us catch, we will win every match
Bravery is what we need, to be the ones who succeed
We are warriors, that’s for sure, c’mon guys give us a roar.
BLUE – Courageous Crew
Turn on the radio, what do you hear,
Courageous Crew give us a cheer,
We may struggle, or fall down,
But we will make sure we win the crown,
We take risks day and night,
We will never give up the fight,
Watch us shoot, watch us score,
Now listen to our mighty ROAR!!!!!
RED – Fast Force
Good luck catching us on the track
All you’ll see is our lightning backs
On our toes and off we go
Try your best and it will show
The faster we run
The stronger we become
Come on Fast Force let’s win the day
We are champions and here to stay