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School Parking Update

by | Nov 13, 2023

Dear families,

I have been contacted by the Marion Council who were asked during our recent Sports Day by a local resident to come and check the illegal parking behaviour by a number of people.  Unfortunately, we, like many other schools struggle with street parking during whole school events, so we rely on people doing the right thing, and if parking isn’t available directly adjacent to the school, to find a legal park and then walk.

Apparently, some cars were parked on yellow lines; too close to roundabouts, (therefore, restricting access); over some driveways and on council verges. Some people did get expiation notices, though I understand that many more could’ve been given out on the day.

In four weeks time we have our large Woodend School Community Fireworks and Concert Evening, and I do urge everyone to plan their parking so that there isn’t an unwanted surprise at the end of the night. I certainly think people have better ways to spend their money.

We want people to enjoy school events and appreciate the support that we get from our neighbours throughout the school year when events are happening. We do not take this support for granted, and would appreciate people taking care when parking at any time around the school.

Surrounding neighbours do get annoyed if people park on their verges and public land, including across their driveways which is parking illegally. Thank you to those people who are respectful to our neighbours during our school events. Fortunately, the majority of people do the right thing, and make an effort to park legally and sensibly.

Please note to that there has been some recent changes to signage next to the school. Young Street will have two additional parks available, but with time allocations. The school Kiss and Drop area has had a change in times in the afternoon, which now means that between 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm, it is pick up or drop off only with a maximum 2 minute wait time.

There is also some work being done in the next few months with our two school crossings to ensure that they are compatible with what is required for people with a disability. In addition, they are changing the pedestrian access at the roundabout on Edward Beck Drive, as well as installing some Way2 Go crossing signs in order to make it safer for a students.

Marion Council through it’s Councillors has supported the school over a number of years to make the streets safer for our students before and after school, as well as on weekends. Woodend Way and the Kiss and Drop area are two changes that have had a positive impact for school students as well as the entire community.


Steve Freeman