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RAN-EC training for volunteers

by | Apr 7, 2017

To volunteer at Woodend Primary School, you have been required to complete a Volunteer Induction workshop (this is the RAN-EC training).  The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) has now made available an online induction session for volunteers which means you no longer need to attend a workshop at school.  You can complete the  Responding to Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RAN-EC) training at home which takes approximately 90 minutes and this includes an assessment.

You are required to complete this online induction session if you are wanting to volunteer at our school.

Help with the online training is available on the RAN-EC online technical support page.

The online session often mentions ‘nominated site leader’.  At Woodend our nominated site leaders are:

Mr Steve Freeman  (Principal)

Mrs Jane Ann Natar (Deputy Principal)

Mr Jarrod Lamshed (Senior Leader)

Mrs Cathie Luke (Senior Leader)

The link to the induction is

You are required to show your certificate of completion to the front office staff so that a record is kept.