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Pupil Free Day Date Set – Friday November 2nd

by | Aug 16, 2018

Governing Council approved our final Pupil Free Day at their meeting this week.

It will be held on Friday November 2nd 2018.

This day has been chosen to allow staff to examine the NAPLAN and PAT data which is only available at the end of this term. It will also be a time for teachers to begin planning in part for 2019 as well as reviewing our Site Improvement Plan strategic directions.

As a member of the Marion Coast Partnership of schools, we have been focusing largely on the effective design of teaching tasks to cater for a wide range of needs within classrooms. On the 2nd November, we will review what our next steps need to be in order to continue our journey of improvement.

I am aware that last year the Marion Coast Partnership allocated a day during the Royal Adelaide Show week.  Due to the reality that families choose to go to the Show on a day of choice, often due to favourable weather conditions or availability of rostered time off, we find that there are student absences every day that the Show is on.

We understand that the Royal Adelaide Show is a once off for the year and that families need to consider what is best for them in choosing which day to go. Teachers take that into account when preparing for teaching during that time.


Kind regards,

Steve Freeman