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Policy Spotlight: Student Use of Mobile Phones & Personal Devices

by | Oct 14, 2023

We wish to remind families about the compulsory policy for Department for Education schools that restricts the use of mobile phones and other personal devices, inclusind smart watches, in schools.

Some key points from this policy include:

  • For the purpose of this policy, digital devices refers to mobile phones, smartwatches, tablets or laptops that are not included within our Bring Your Own Device program. iPads that are brought to school for the purpose of enhancing learning are done so under the Bring Your Own Device Policy.
  • Smartwatches are not permitted within this mandated policy. A smartwatch is a digital watch that provides other features in addition to timekeeping. This includes any device that has messaging, gaming or internet capabilities.
  • If digital devices need to be brought to school, they must be switched off and stored in students’ bags. Secure storage is available in the Front Office, if needed.
  • Misuse or non-compliance with storage requirements may result in personal devices being collected by the teacher and taken to the office for collection by a parent/caregiver.
  • Written requests for exemptions will be considered by the Principal on a case-by-case basis, and are usually granted on the basis of medical necessity.
  • Students may not take photos or videos of others without their expressed consent. This includes when waiting at the Kiss’n’Go and walking home from school.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.