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Please save the date – Thursday 22 October – That Sugar Film

by | Sep 25, 2015

During National Nutrition Week we will be holding a free movie night screening ‘That Sugar Film’. The film explores the truth about what many Australians consider to be ‘healthy’ foods. It investigates how much sugar we are consuming along with the impact it is having on us.

It’s an engaging and informative film we feel delivers an important nutritional message about reducing your sugar intake.

School chairs are provided but if you would like to bring a more comfortable type (eg. bean bag, fold out chair) you are welcome. Our Healthy Eating committee will be selling some healthy snacks on the night. Further information will follow early next term.

That Sugar film is rated PG (mild themes, coarse language & naturalistic nudity). The film recommends it is suitable for students from year 5 onwards. Younger children are welcome if parents wish to bring them, we leave the decision up to parents as to whether you want younger children to attend.