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Performing Arts 2021

by | Feb 10, 2021

My name is Sue Thomson and you will find me in room 25 and taking over outdoor areas to work with your children in the Performing Arts. We can be found in the Atrium, outside in the Plaza, play area and sometimes on the netball court!

All classes have single lessons each week for half a year and then swap with Design and Technology for the other half of the year. They will also have a double lessons at other times during the year, where they will have an opportunity to extend their skills and knowledge.

This year we are focusing on music, drama and dance. Students will develop skills in these areas that can be used to communicate ideas to an audience, exploring ways to represent and share artworks through performance.

R-2 classes will be using a Health Curriculum related theme, exploring their bodies, life cycles, strengths and inclusivity.

3-7 students will develop skills in the 3 areas of Performing Arts and will then work in groups to create their own country, with it’s own culture, music and dance. Students will perform and have opportunities to respond to other children’s performances.

I am looking forward to this year with your children.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to know more.

