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Our Kidpreneurs have an amazing experience… UPDATED 09/12/16

by | Dec 1, 2016

Check out this youtube video…added   to this post on 09/12/16.

A couple of weeks ago our National Prize winning Kidpreneurs of the Year from Felicity Shevchenko’s class had an amazing time in Melbourne visiting the Moose Toy Headquarters and meeting with designers and marketing  experts during their  Kidpreneur-in-Residence one-day business experience. Here are some of the pics and  also some information from Felicity about the great class effort.

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The Kidpreneur at Woodend Primary

The Kidpreneur Challenge provides a program that supports the development of enterprise skills: critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, financial literacy, digital literacy, teamwork and communication. The program is mapped to Australian Curriculum outcomes across multiple subject areas including Maths, English, Science and Arts.

The program helps students, working in teams, to build their own micro-business, which can be used for social good. Kids learn the key steps of business from ideation to commercialisation and then donate their profits to charity.

As the classroom teacher in our single gender girls’ year 6/7 class at Woodend Primary, I decided to enter two groups from my class in the national Kidpreneur Challenge 2016. The whole class completed a 12 module business “Club Kidpreneur Ready, Set, Go program”, then presented their business ideas to the class. The class then voted on which two groups would officially enter the challenge. Only year 6 students were eligible for the competition.

The “BEEZ Trolley Handle Covers” group was chosen by the class as they liked their idea of creating re-usable trolley handle covers to help prevent the transfer of germs from trolley handles. The research the students presented about the high level of bacteria found on shopping trolley handles (including fecal matter and e-coli), was a persuading factor, as studies have shown them to contain more bacteria than public toilets. The “Scent from Heaven” group was also chosen, as the students believed their bath products (including their home made bath salts and original bath bomb designs) would appeal to our greater school community.

My whole class worked in small groups to build their own businesses, and made a commitment to raise as much money as they could to support a charity of their choice. They researched different charities before choosing one, then gave a presentation the the class about why they chose their charity and what the money raised would be used for. Our two registered Kidpreneur groups both chose to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease (MND South Australia).

The interactive, experiential learning throughout the Kidpreneur Challenge allowed the girls to stretch their creativity, get comfortable with risk and failure, and build resilience and confidence.

We held three Market Days at school (at both recess and lunch times), where each group set up stalls to sell their goods. As a class, the students learnt so much from this process and shared valuable feedback amongst themselves, supporting each other to improve their business strategies from one market day to the next. The students learnt how to make their profits work for them, by reinvesting back into their own business after the first 2 market days. They learnt the importance of advertising, which included posters, social media, school assembly items, blog posts, a presentation at Governing Council, and one group even set up their on-line website where orders could be made.

As a class, we managed to raise over $1,200 for charity. I’m so proud of my students and their dedication towards raising money for those less fortunate than themselves.


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 Kidpreneur of the Year Winners


“BEEZ Trolley Handle Covers” and “Scent from Heaven”, from the all girls class at Woodend Primary, won the 2016 National Kidpreneur Challenge. (Class teacher: Felicity Shevchenko)


Both groups had to create a video about their business (a commercial), and “Share” it. The top 50 videos with the most “Likes” qualified for judging. The video pitches from our registered groups were two of ten winning teams selected from a panel of independent judges. We were the only winning teams from South Australia.

See their video links below:


Each business team has won the title ‘Kidpreneurs of the Year’ and some awesome prizes for themselves and our school (Woodend Primary School).

The School prize for each team includes:

1 x HP Sprout All-in-One Desktop Computer plus 3D Capture Stage bundle by HP PPS Australia Pty Ltd, total value $4,589.

The Kidpreneurs’ prize includes:

A money-can’t-buy Kidpreneur-in-Residence one-day business experience at our IGNITE partner Moose Toys Head Office in Melbourne on Wednesday 16th November, 2016. As well as 1 night’s accommodation (on Tuesday 15th November, 2016) in a shared hotel apartment per business team with one adult supervisor; meals for 1 night (dinner) and 1 day (breakfast and lunch), ground transfers to and from Moose Toys Head Office, and a goodie bag from Moose Toys valued at $100.