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Music Night – Last Minute Update

by | Sep 3, 2018

Our school’s new air conditioning system is progressing well. Unfortunately, this means that as of today our atrium space is unavailable for the next week. This is bad timing for our music night! All times for performances will stay the same, but our atrium stage will now be moved to the staff room. Updated details below.

  • Between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm Paul Henson has arranged for guitar students to perform in room 15/16 (formerly the Music Room).
  • From 7:00 pm, our percussion students will perform in the gym
  • From 6:30pm, our woodwind and strings students will perform in the Staff Room
  • From 6:30pm our piano students will perform in the Studio.
  • Beginning at 7:30, ensemble groups, Junior and Senior Choirs and Rock Band will perform in the gym.

Students who are playing an instrument that requires tuning (other than guitar) are expected to be at school 20 minutes before their performance time to meet with their music teachers to tune up. Choirs should meet in room 14 (the old Japanese room) at 7:15pm.

We look forward to a great night.