The Woodend School Way2Go committee are working on improving the safety of walking and riding to school.
The Survey below will help our committee to gather further information in support of the push for improved facilities for student’s bikes and scooters. We hope to apply for a grant to build a covered area with bike racks for keeping bikes and scooters secure.
Many parents have commented on the importance of safety for students travelling to and from school. Recently we were advised that as a result of ongoing work by the Way2Go committee, that a Koala Crossing will be installed on Edward Beck Drive during the coming school holidays. This is quite an achievement and will assist in making the crossing safer.
At the same time however, we are very aware that a small number of drivers are needlessly placing students and adults at risk by parking in ‘NO PARKING’ zones around the school at drop off and pick up time. The Local Council has been contacted by a number of concerned people and it is likely that the Coordinator: Traffic and Parking will respond.
We ask that everyone look for road signs and follow what they say. It is very hard for the Traffic Monitors to see clearly if cars are parked illegally.
Please help us to keep everyone safe.
Way2Go Survey – Click on this link to go to the survey
or use;