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Great Start … Check This Out!

by | Aug 13, 2015

We recommend parents  and caregivers check out the Great Start website which has plenty of ideas and activities that can help you make the most of everyday learning and events.  This is an award winning DECD website which promotes more powerful engagement of parents and caregivers  in the Numeracy and Literacy development of their children.  While the ideas are aimed at activities with birth to 5 year olds, we believe there are many ideas which are easily adaptable for engagement with older children.

They say on the website: We know families are busy so there are ideas for activities that you are already doing, ideas that may be new and will only take a few minutes and others that will take longer. We have also included extra information for you if want to learn more about the literacy and numeracy that your child will be developing and how this will link to learning in later life.

Our Family Engagement Strategy  is very much about growing a better understanding of how to powerfully support children’s learning. Using resources like this and  sharing ideas and learning with others  in  the school community are important elements of this priority area.