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Great news…there are fairies in the garden!

by | Aug 11, 2020

Last week during lunch a very enthusiastic team of students from room 10 took a number of receptions, year 1s and year 2s under their wing to build fairy gardens. They took great delight in harvesting almond blossoms and calendula flowers to make “fairy dust”, fennel fronds for soft grass, and nasturtium leaves as lily pads so the fairies could float in the creeks. Room 10 is part of our Kitchen Garden program, and this week have been learning about uses of different herbs, including those that attract fairies to the garden!

Every Tuesday and Wednesday the garden is open at lunch for all students, overseen by our team of Garden Custodians. The Custodian program was set up to invite the Year 6 and 7s back into the garden after being part of the Kitchen Garden Program. They help younger students enjoy garden activities, like watering, weeding, exploring, picking flowers and playing in the mud kitchen.