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First place at SAPSASA Cross Country!

by | May 6, 2018

Despite the challenging weather conditions, all of our Woodend students did such an amazing job at Cross Country last Thursday 3 May.

The students had to contend with wind, rain and bitterly cold conditions at Thalassa Park. All students put in their best effort and were also positive supporters of their peers.  For these efforts, our school won the event today, taking home 1ST PLACE!!

A big congratulations to all students who did a superb job in such tough conditions, our school is proud of you all.

We would like to give a special mention to the following students who have made the Southern Valley team to compete at Oakbank later this term:  Zali, Maya, Tyler, Ryan, Ava, Lilly, Callum, Lucas and Georgia.

We witnessed an outstanding effort from Zali, Tyler, Ava and Georgia who all took home 1st place in their events.

We would like to thank the parents who helped to transport students and those who helped as marshalls today.  We really appreciated your support and so do the students.

Thank you to everyone involved in such tough weather conditions, and well done to our Woodend students on taking out the win.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing, shoes and outdoorImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing, child, outdoor and natureImage may contain: 5 people, people smiling, sky, tree, outdoor and natureImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people playing sports, sky, grass, outdoor and natureImage may contain: 10 people, people standing, outdoor and natureImage may contain: 1 person, standing, tree, child, outdoor and nature