We need some parents to come along on Wednesday 4 November (2:00 pm or 2:30 pm) and be part of a group discussion / feedback session with a couple of very friendly review officers who are reviewing our school. The questions for the parent discussion will be much more user friendly than in the poster above. The focus of the review is to determine how well the school improves learning for all students. From the review should come some good indicators of how we can further benefit our students.
Every four years each DECD school has the opportunity to receive valuable feedback from a DECD Review Team, on the school’s processes and practices and how effectively they support student learning. Next week it will be our turn to participate in this review process. The focus of the review is described in the table above. We welcome this opportunity to affirm what we do well and to also enhance our understandings of how to make more powerful improvements for the benefit of our students.
The review involves a limited number of students, parents and staff in group interviews conducted by the review team. On Wednesday 4 November, in the morning, groups of students from primary classes will be interviewed. Between recess and lunch time the review team will also talk to some Junior Primary students in their classes. About 40 students in all will be involved. If you do not want your child to be interviewed please let your child’s class teacher know ASAP.
After lunch on Wednesday the review team will be talking to parents. We have already informed Governing Council and Parent Network of this and we invite any other parents to book in to one of the two group sessions available :
2:00 pm 2:30 pm
We would love to get a range of experienced school families and relatively new ones and also have R-7 parent representation. If you can help by being involved, it would be most appreciated. The Review Team is very friendly and welcoming and will have questions that are easy to answer and discuss. We will limit each session to about 10 people. Please contact Kerri or respond to this blogpost if you would like to be involved.
Groups of teachers will be interviewed on Thursday 5 Nov. A report will be produced and published on our website. It will inform our next steps in our learning improvement planning.