This Friday is the last day of term 3 and students will be dismissed at 2.05pm.
Term 3 has flown by and has been packed with varied learning experiences for our students.
Three bus loads of 130 year 6/7 students and staff set of for Canberra this morning after a term packed full of preparatory learning about Civics and Citizenship. Lunch today on the banks of the river at Toolybuc.
Other highlights for the term have included the Henny Penny chicken hatching program, Book Week, Hiragana Challenge, student teachers, Music night, Festival Choir performance, Pedal Prix 24 hour race, SAPSASA volleyball and athletics, Student Voice in Learning project sessions, swimming and Narnu Farm camp. These special events add a richness to the learning opportunities afforded to students everyday in their classrooms.
We hope you all have a safe, refreshing and relaxing break and look forward to another full and productive term beginning with Science Week on Monday 16 October. Enjoy spending some time learning and creating with your children during the holidays and come along on Thursday evening or Friday during the day to see the display of the work of others in the school community.
Diary Dates Term 4:
Science Week: Week 1
Reception/Year 1 Swimming: Week 2
School Photos: Week 3
School Closure day: Week 5 Monday 20th November
Year 4/5 Camps: Week 7
Christmas Event: Week 9 Monday 11 December
Year 7 Graduation: Week 9 Thursday 14 December
End of Term Early Dismissal: Week 9 Friday 15 December