We know that strong communication between home and school is one of the best ways for students to be successful at school. We also know that, with increasingly busy lives, this can be difficult to achieve. We would like to make this as simple as possible! We have developed a ‘Communications Map’ to clarify the digital communications processes at Woodend.
News Blog and calendar: The blog is how we keep you informed about whole school information. Subscribing to this blog will ensure you receive an email notification when there are new posts to read. Our School Calendar now lives on the blog. You can access this by clicking on the ‘School Calendar‘ link at the top of the News Blog page. This calendar is powered by Google Calendars and can also be added to your existing calendar apps on mobile devices or computers.
Team App is how we send immediate notifications to the school community. Notification messages may be targeted from groups that are relevant to you (eg Football, Cricket etc) so that you are not contacted with information that you do not need. This is also how we will send time sensitive and emergency notifications. This could include sport being cancelled due to weather or a notification of an evacuation or other emergency. Instructions to set up team app can be found here.
Class Digital Spaces: All teachers are using digital spaces to keep you informed about information related specifically to your child’s class. This may be in the form of a class blog and/or a class Facebook group. Links to this space are available by clicking on the ‘Digital Classroom Spaces 2016′ link in the ‘Communications’ menu on the school blog.
School Facebook: Our official school Facebook page draws from information from the News Blog. Our closed parent group is managed by our parent network and is a supportive online social space for our parent community.
Groups: Facebook groups will be used to manage communications for sports teams and committees. Coordinators will communicate this information to families. Links to these groups are available here.
School Website: Our school website is where you will find curriculum information, official school reports, school history information and policies. You can also make online payments here.