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Parent Webinars – Calm and Confident Kids

Please see information attached about free parent webinars presented by Calm Kid Central and Developing Minds Clinical Child Psychologist Kirrilie Smout. Learn to help children with a tendency towards worry or anxiety. Parenting Webinars 2022 APHN

Wellbeing Focus Day

Wellbeing Focus Day was on Monday 25 October. It was lovely to see students dressed in clothes that represented something about their wellbeing and to hear them talk about why they chose to wear what they did. All Junior Primary classes enjoyed a session with Pamela...

Wellbeing Focus Day

October is Mental Health Month, a time to ‘tune in’ and think about our mental health and wellbeing. At Woodend, we will be holding a Wellbeing Focus Day on Monday 25 October (week 3). There are 3 aspects to the day: Wellbeing awareness workshops Talk-and-Walk-Athon...

Wellbeing and Engagement Collection

Students in our school have been invited to take part in a survey being conducted in Term 1 2021.  This post provides key information about the survey. Our school will participate in the Term 1 Wellbeing and Engagement Collection which will be open during Weeks 8 to...
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