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Latest News from Our Library

Have you seen our library lately?  We are reorganising to create more dynamic spaces for reading, browsing and inquiry learning. You are welcome to come in with your child any morning or afternoon. Did you know that parents can register to borrow, too? Opening hours...

Excited About Book Club Orders!

Scholastic Book Club Issue 1 orders were distributed this week and there are  many excited students. Books are an important part of your children’s growth and development.  The ability to read is critical to independence and personal development.  The Book Club...

Writers’ Week Kid’s Weekend Reminder

Reminder: Writers’ Week 2015 starts this weekend and it’s Kid’s weekend, which will be a big hit with all the family. It should be a fun event. One featured writer is Andy Griffiths, a very popular author and a favourite of many of our students....

We Love Reading!

We know that we like reading in comfortable spaces. In our classrooms and other areas around the school we are creating more spaces that are lovely to reading in.  You may also have noticed these places encourage sharing  reading experiences with others.  We would...
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