31 Aug, 2015 | Library, Uncategorized
An amazing display of lanterns was enjoyed at our Book Week celebration event on Friday. Students responded to their reading with enthusiasm and imagination. They made connections using an innovation on this year’s book week theme Books light up our world. The...
25 Aug, 2015 | Library, Student Learning
At Woodend there are only 3 days to go until the end of reading for the Challenge in 2015. We are encouraging students to get those books read and record sheets completed. Record sheets go to the class teacher by Friday 28 August and entering our school’s data...
20 Aug, 2015 | Library, Uncategorized
Book Week is 24- 28 August. At Woodend our celebration event will be at 10:00 am on Friday 28 August. Using our innovation on this year’s theme: Books Light up our World, all classes will join in our Lantern Parade. Students are creatively designing lanterns...
19 Jun, 2015 | Library, Student Learning
This term Phil Cummings came to our school to talk about writing with the year 6/7 classes. Wednesday morning all the senior students went to the gym to see him. When we got there he was talking to us about the way he writes and what inspires him. Many...
14 Jun, 2015 | Library, Student Learning, Uncategorized
Listening to a special story is always a wonderful experience. Thousands of children across our nation read the same book at the same time as part National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS). Held annually, a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author...