20 Jun, 2016 | codeathon, Events, Key Priorities, Student Learning
So, what do parents need to know about coding? Ultimately CODING is all about creating precise instructions for digital devices to operate in routine ways to meet our needs. Whenever we use our phones, computers, or just about any other devices that has automated...
29 May, 2016 | Growth Mindsets, Key Priorities, Our Vision for Our Learners, Student Learning, Students' Personal and Social Development
This year Woodend along with our local partnership of schools and pre-schools continues our involvement in the Local Partnerships Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL) PILOT. Our students will continue the exciting and innovative work co-designing learning...
4 Feb, 2016 | Family Engagement, Key Priorities
Traditionally we have called for class parent reps from each class to help liaise with the class families, welcome new school community members and be a first point of contact with parents for the class teacher. The reps have also met twice per term with Brian as...
26 Oct, 2015 | Key Priorities, Organisation, Student Learning
This year the Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers have enabled the school to purchase a further 30 Bee Bots to be used by our classes. How very exciting for our students. We thank all families who contributed to this effort and a big thank you to Jenny Cullen for...
13 Aug, 2015 | Family Engagement, Key Priorities, Learning Plan
We recommend parents and caregivers check out the Great Start website which has plenty of ideas and activities that can help you make the most of everyday learning and events. This is an award winning DECD website which promotes more powerful engagement of parents...
23 Jun, 2015 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Events, Key Priorities, Other Events
Fantastic effort from all who contributed sponsorship donations via our Active-Athon. We have such a wonderful school community. All students will benefit from the lovely environment we create through our Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, which these funds will...