14 Dec, 2021 | Events, Growth Mindsets, Student Learning
We were very thankful for the work of our Student Voice In Learning (SVIL) teams this year. Both the project and school teams worked together to make an impact across classes encouraging teachers and students to plan for and embrace stretch thinking. Throughout the...
29 Mar, 2021 | Growth Mindsets, Student Learning, student wellbeing, Students' Personal and Social Development
The unconditional love that two of our Woodend siblings have for their younger brother has led them to sacrifice hours of planning and hard work to raise funds to support their brother, Koa’s health needs. Reef and Mahala have chosen to raise awareness and...
28 May, 2017 | Executive Function, Growth Mindsets, Key Priorities, Student Learning, We love learning
Our partnership of schools has a number of projects in place to support schools to ensure every learner is engaged, stretched and achieving. One project is our Student Voice in Learning Project. The purpose of our focus in this area comes from the understanding that...
29 May, 2016 | Growth Mindsets, Key Priorities, Our Vision for Our Learners, Student Learning, Students' Personal and Social Development
This year Woodend along with our local partnership of schools and pre-schools continues our involvement in the Local Partnerships Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL) PILOT. Our students will continue the exciting and innovative work co-designing learning...
17 May, 2016 | Executive Function, Family Engagement, Growth Mindsets, Student Learning
As we try to develop more intellectual stretch for our children, what we say to them and what we don’t say, become increasingly important. How might we promote greater discussion and thinking as children engage in mathematical activities at home and at school? You...
13 Apr, 2016 | Executive Function, Growth Mindsets, Learning Plan, Student Learning, Students' Personal and Social Development
Weekend coverage on the NAPLaN league tables that the media produces to “rank” schools are exactly why educators don’t like the hype around these tests. Everyone wants to make improvements to student learning and every school wants to improve...