Over the past semester, we conducted a routine review of our reporting policy. This review included consultations with staff, parents, leadership, and the governing council. Based on the recommendations from this review, we will implement the following changes in the...
There has been a buzz of shoppers in the Atrium on Wednesday and Thursday this week! Students have been busily shopping for their father, grandfather or special person in their life in preparation for Fathers Day. The Fathers Day stall is an annual event developed...
This semester, with support from Governing Council, a committee was formed to establish a formal review process for our school Dress Code. A school Dress Code is the documented standards of what is acceptable in relation to the clothing worn by students while...
A committee representing Woodend students, staff and parents/carers was formed in August to review our school’s Uniform Policy. Amendments were made in line with the Department For Education’s guidelines for a Uniform Review including a change of name to...
On Thursday 28th November, several classes gathered to support the official opening of Woodend’s new ‘Canteen Cafe’. Several months ago, Shannon Farley, a student who chairs the Recycling Committee on SRC initiated a cafe concept for Woodend. The...
Can you help? The Grounds Committee is working on developing the cement space outside the canteen, OSHC and kitchen. One of the projects is to create a ‘Canteen Cafe’ where students and staff can gather, sit and interact in a café style environment! We will be...