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Materials and Services Charge for 2017… Poll Results

Governing Council is pleased to announce  the result of the poll conducted to establish whether the total amount of the 2017 Materials and Services Charge may be legally recoverable. The result was 83 in favour, 8 against.  Therefore the full $320 per student will be...

Notice of Meeting to discuss 2017 Fees

All interested people are invited to attend a meeting where our 2017 charges are to be discussed and approved as per the attached letter which has been sent home with the Notice  of  Materials and Services Charges for 2017.  

OSHC News – Fee Increase From 13 June

Governing Council last week approved increases  in OSHC and Vacation Care fees. All OSHC users have been informed  of these increases via email, however, we  are  aware that the timeline for notification of this increase was very short.  Consequently we are pushing...

Materials and Services Fee REMINDER ….

Thank you to all who  have  paid in full or have already made their instalment payment.    2nd Instalment of Materials and Services Charge was due 11 March, 2016. Families who have not made arrangements to pay by instalment and have not paid the Materials and Services...
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