10 Sep, 2017 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Events, Governing Council and Committees, Play Based Learning
In between showers on the morning of Thursday 7 September, we celebrated the official opening of the Outdoor Shop Fronts. The students had the opportunity to meet members of the Grounds Committee who were instrumental in making the shops. These members worked...
10 Nov, 2016 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Play Based Learning, Working Bees
We are working on a number of projects in our school grounds, that will have a great impact on our students’ learning and enjoyment . They are not big, difficult projects, but they do require some help from parents, to allow us to get them complete over the...
2 Jun, 2016 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Events, volunteers, Working Bees
We hope that every student will look back in years to come and remember that they got their hands dirty and planted something in their school grounds at the end of May 2016. We were investing in every student making connections with their spaces, their buddies,...
26 May, 2016 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Working Bees
We want students to be involved in planting so that they remember they created this impact on our school environment. For this to happen we need help. This is a buddy class activity and about 36 plants per two classes need to be planted. Every class needs volunteers...
18 May, 2016 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Working Bees
We love our new gates that have been constructed with great skill and care by Scott and Rob Gill and Owen McIver. We really appreciate their superb effort and great expertise they applied to create a lovely asset for the school. We are so grateful for the fabulous...
13 Apr, 2016 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project
Wow, isn’t it amazing how good those extra big logs and stumps are. A big thank you to the Stanley family for looking out for us and getting us access to these wonderful items for our Biodiversity and Nature Play Project. As you can see, students really...