17 Mar, 2024 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Family Engagement, SRC, STEAM Learning
Last year, our Environmental Leaders and SRC took on a project to enhance the biodiversity of an unused area of the oval and create a visually appealing and engaging space for our community to enjoy. You might recall their callout for painting rocks in term 4? This...
20 Nov, 2022 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Events, Kitchen Garden, We love learning
Some keen student gardeners have been nurturing this carrot in our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden. This carrot, seemed to growing to be quite a size, although not as easy to measure whilst growing underground. Last Wednesday 9/11 was the time for the long awaited...
26 Oct, 2020 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project
This term has seen the completion of stage #3 of our playground spaces. Naturally, as each stage has been unveiled, there has been an abundance of students wanting to trial the new spaces. Here are the three completed stages: Terrace Playground redevelopment (outside...
28 Oct, 2019 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Events, Governing Council and Committees, volunteers
Can you help? The Grounds Committee is working on developing the cement space outside the canteen, OSHC and kitchen. One of the projects is to create a ‘Canteen Cafe’ where students and staff can gather, sit and interact in a café style environment! We will be...
5 Apr, 2019 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, SRC, We love learning
What an opportunity! We were so lucky to be invited by David Speirs to join him on a school tour of Glenthorne Farm, soon to be Glenthorne National Park. The history of this farm is very rich and the future is bold. Major O’Halloran developed Glenthorne as an...
19 Aug, 2018 | Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, volunteers, Working Bees
Last Tuesday 14th August we celebrated the official opening of the Mushroom Outdoor Garden Space. This is the latest project completed by the Grounds Committee and is situated outside Room 6 in the Street. This renovated space comprises garden beds with plants...