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Remembrance Day Ceremony

Today, as a school, we gathered to show our respect to all those who have served in the war, particularly those members of our school community who have served their country in times of war and those who have family members who have served.  We also acknowledged those...

Remembrance Day 2020

Our Remembrance Day assembly this morning was a lovely commemoration of those who have lost their lives in the service of their country during the war.  Our remembrance of all those who have served or are serving in our armed forces is important time for students to...

Rose Ceremony

Did you know that when Woodend Primary School was first built way back in 1995, we planted a beautiful Rose Garden out the front? Over the years we have enjoyed watching the roses bloom and grow from tiny plants into mature rose bushes. On Wednesday at our first...

Remembrance Day Assembly – A Day to Remember

Our Remembrance Day assembly this morning was a lovely commemoration of those who have lost their lives in the service of their country during the war.Thank you to parents who came to the assembly this morning. Seth, Abby, Aidan, Hannah, Shanel and Ruby did a fabulous...

Farewell Assembly… Year 7 Dance Performances

Every year our Year 7 students work with dance instructor Sue Howard to choreography two dances for presentation at our farewell assembly on the last day of the school year. Both the boy’s dance and the girl’s dance are usually quite unique and very...
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