12 Feb, 2019 | AGM, Governing Council and Committees
Hello to all Woodend Parents & Carers – welcome to another exciting year at our school! I would like to invite you to attend the Woodend Primary School Annual General Meeting. The AGM is an opportunity to learn more about the work being done here at Woodend...
28 Feb, 2018 | AGM, Governing Council and Committees
Hi Parents! I would like to invite you to attend the Woodend Primary School Annual General Meeting. The AGM is an opportunity to learn more about the work being done here at Woodend Primary School: both current initiatives and achievements, as well as future goals. We...
23 Mar, 2016 | AGM, Events, Learning Plan
We thank those parents who have offered to join Governing Council and Committees. They will join those many who are continuing on in their roles. We thank committee members who have retired. Acknowledgment of their efforts are included in the reports that will be...
23 Mar, 2015 | AGM, Biodiversity and Nature Play Project, Play Based Learning
We are very excited to launch this project. There are exciting things about to happened and our plans are looking good. At the AGM students supported the presentation by Monina Gilbey and Jeremy Gramp, which gave an overview of the key elements of the project....
6 Mar, 2015 | AGM, Biodiversity and Nature Play Project
We invite all families to come along to the AGM on Wednesday 18 March in the gym, starting at 7:00 pm. Our AGM is an important event each year and we love having an audience. At the AGM important things are said about how we are going as a school and what direction...