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Casual Day for A Great Cause!

by | Feb 19, 2024

On Friday of week 4, 23 February Woodend is having a casual day to raise funds for childhood cancer.

We’re collecting donations to help distribute a book that has been written to support people experiencing Cancer.  It’s called ‘Nourishing the Fighter’ and offers insight into nutrition and coping strategies for those going through a cancer journey. The donations will also support ‘The Kids Cancer Project’.

Your contribution matters, and a gold coin donation is all we ask for. Any extra support you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Let’s make a difference together!

Students can wear any clothing as long as it is sun-safe and sensible.

We look forward to seeing all students contributing to this great cause and enjoying themselves in casual clothes on Friday of week 4!

Levi, Elijah and the 2024 Student Leadership Team