We hope that every student will look back in years to come and remember that they got their hands dirty and planted something in their school grounds at the end of May 2016. We were investing in every student making connections with their spaces, their buddies, their place in their school; making their contribution. That’s why we had all classes planting and why we did that through our class buddy arrangements. We all belong to a great place and we all can make a contribution to improving ourselves, our relationships, our actions and our places.
We love team efforts and we love the way our volunteers make a special effort to contribute to the many initiatives undertaken at this school. We thank everyone who came along and took a lead in providing this opportunity for our students. We really do appreciate your passion for doing this. Thank you to John Byrne and Kennard’s Hire at Glandore for providing the special hole digger. This made a huge difference and saved a lot of time and therefore allowed students more hands on time with planting.
Most of all we thank Haidi Sutherland for her amazing contribution to this project. Haidi coordinated the specific placement of the many species of plants and the logistics of getting large groups to work in close quarters. The two days spent supervising the planting was just part of the contribution. Aileen Cheney also put in a wonderful effort, as always, working with Haidi both in preparation and in laying out of plants and planting. Thanks too to all our staff especially Ken MacTaggart, our groundsman.
Our plants will need a good watering this week, so there might be some further call to action from some class teachers.