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AGM 2015 … SRC is about Decision Making and Communication Skills

by | Mar 23, 2015

At the AGM we talked about SRC and the importance of developing students’ understanding of  decision making and communication processes.  We talked about how we want SRC to focus on improvements  in learning.  We saw that this was the main role of SRC.   A key element  of this was to focus on developing the skills in all SRC reps to be able to listen for understanding. The personal development of each SRC rep was therefore most  important.  Consequently SRC will provide just as much time  on the personal development of  its members as on the addressing of student issues. 

Other key elements our  SRC leaders  and  mentors (Fay and  Brian) talked about were:

  • we want to help SRC reps be able to strongly model, in their classrooms, listening for understanding
  • we  want Yr 5-7 SRC reps to be able to strongly influence  participatory decision making and communication in their classrooms
  • we want SRC to be about helping students have more influence on how their peers think about learning
  • we want to help teach SRC members about how to ask questions about their learning and give feedback to teachers about their learning
  • we want to be working with  R-4 SRC  reps  and Yrs 5-7 reps in different ways
  • we want to improve our SRC blog so that students can use it as an interactive and engaging  place to grow ideas and interests and express their views.
  • we want to improve the profile of SRC so that all students see that leaders in learning deserve as much credit and profile as sporting leaders.